Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The One with the Resolve

I will not flatter myself by thinking that my blog might have had a few regular visitors..who would have resigned to the fate that I write only once a year.
So this entry is not for those people (though if anyone of you was a regular...I promise to write more.. please do visit).

It was just another random Tuesday when I was sitting in the office...and having worked for 5 hours straight with only a lunch break in between, I decided to do some TP. Nothing harmful, just thought I would read some blogs that I visit and see what's happening in people's lives. By the end of the hour, within which I had surfed through 3-4 blogs, I realized that I used to like writing.

Unlike some people I know who have a theme to their blogs , mine is just random musings. So, me being the lazy person that I am, I don't get myself to write unless something is on my mind that I feel the urge put in words. But I've realized that it's a good way to do something beyond just going to office and going home from office.
To cut a long story short, I'm going to be regular from now onwards.. and I'm going to write about anything that comes to my mind even if its not earth shattering..

So, what have I done since the last post and this one.. not much really, if you take into account the significance of the universe. I landed myself a job..my very first..and I find myself once again in Mumbai :)

I' m with ICICI Bank now and I'm doing some very interesting work in the Investment Banking - Private Equity field. Living with a batchmate from FMS in the central suburbs of Mumbai.

As always, trying to learn along the way, every day.

So there's your new year resolve, albeit some weeks late.. Blog Regularly..

Oh, and Happy New Year.. the blog has seen three new years now :)

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