So, I took the final leap yesterday, when I finally logged onto my yahoo messenger. All the FMS junta logs on to Yahoo only, while all my friends are active on MSN, so, I have a habit of chatting on MSN.
Met a lot of people yesterday from The FMS Batch of 2K7, some who I've met and know, and some new people. And I was online till 1 in the night. They've been having this conference for the past two months, and I joined in only yesterday, and all this delay all because of sheer inertia to something new.
I don't know if this something new is only the shift from MSN to Yahoo, or the more profound shift from old friends to newer ones.
Actually, why I haven't joined in for the past two months, is because I've been spending all the time I have with my college pals, who will soon all be getting busy with their work and going away from Delhi.And as much as I think to myself , that these are the people who form the very fabric of my everyday existence and there's no way I'm going to lose touch with them, I know better.
I have lost touch with people, with whom at different points of time, I've enjoyed the most enviable friendships. And although they're always on my mind, and I know , I probably am on theirs, but it is a fact that life moves on, and all those endless hours of phone conversations get replaced by a single phone call once a year.
Priyanka's leaving for Cal tomorrow.. so she and I met up yesterday one last time to say goodbye. No mushy sentiments with us, no tears nothing... just a wierd hollow in the depths of my being, on walking away from one of those people, who understood my thoughts and empathized with them. Time will go on, she'll get busy, I'll get busy and soon, all that will remain will be a fading memory of days together.
The sense of deja vu is pretty overwhelming right now. It's not like these are the first friends I'll be saying goodbye to, I've been there, done that.
Life will move on, I know...
Laugh and cry
Live and die
Life is a dream, we are dreaming..
Day by day
I find my way
Look for the song and the meaning..
People run
sun to sun
caught in their lives ever flowing
Once begun
life goes till it's gone
we have to where it's going...
hey life is just about moving on..... all that u have left behind wil never come back.. look towards the future, you're gonna have a gr8 time at FMS! But when nostalgia strikes... all fun,excitement take the back seat, and memories of old friends r biggest pain, read
PS- ur yahoo IM?
What a great site
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